Monday, May 23, 2022

Critically Acclaimed #220 | Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Firestarter, Men ,The Sadness, Pleasure, Mondo Cane, The Survivor, George Carlin's American Dream

This week on CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED William Bibbiani and Witney Seibold review the new Disney comedy CHIP AND DALE: RESCUE RANGERS, the Stephen King remake FIRESTARTER, Alex Garland's horror film MEN, the Shudder exclusive THE SADNESS, the adult entertainment drama PLEASURE, the Italy sci-fi crime drama MONDOCANE, the Barry Levinson WWII boxing drama THE SURVIVOR, and the documentary GEORGE CARLIN'S AMERICAN DREAM

Give it a listen!

Top Gunner/The Landmark - 2:23 
Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers - 20:53 
Firestarter - 37:08 
Men - 52:10 
The Sadness - 1:03:53 
Pleasure - 1:11:13 
Mondocane - 1:18:32 
The Survivor - 1:26:34 
George Carlin's American Dream - 1:38:09 
Review Round-Up - 1:49:20

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